1. In general
It is obvious that during their Studies, postgraduate students may be faced with situations that need to be dealt with and managed beyond their own capabilities.
As the composition of the postgraduate group comes from different and often heterogeneous environments, both during their multi-level informational meetings in the Department and in the Study Guide, the ways and topics for which each student can formulate a complaint are recorded.
The Department of Medicine of the University of Athens and all the Postgraduate Study Programs offered by the Department are fully aligned with:
- Principles: which are described in the regulatory and regulatory texts of the Foundation (Internal Operating Regulations, Code of Ethics, General Regulations for the Protection of Personal Data).
- Regulations: Internal Regulation of Operation of the Department of Medicine
- Institutions: eg student advocate, academic advisor of the University of Athens
- Procedures and Policy: In particular, for complaints management issues, the Department of Medicine and its Postgraduate Study Programs are in line with the official policy of the Foundation for the policy of dealing with issues of intimidation, victimization, harassment and generally negative behavior as approved by the 228/31.01.2020 decision of the Senate.
- Legislation-Law: for disciplinary offenses outside the responsibilities of the Ministry of Education
2. Management
Each reported action is graded and dealt with, depending on its seriousness, on a spectrum that extends from verbal resolution between the parties involved to the application of legal procedures, if deemed necessary.
Step 1: Update
In the informational meeting for the presentation of the DPMS that takes place before the start of each cycle of Studies, both the procedures and the details of the contact persons that students can contact are announced. It is suggested that depending on the student population of each DPMS, there should be two persons of different genders, one of whom should be the Director of the Graduate Student Program.
Step 2: Subcase A. Oral formulation
Students are strongly encouraged to express their complaints both to their Academic Advisor if they have any concerns and to the Complaints Manager (Director of DPMS). An attempt is made to resolve it within a reasonable period of time depending on the nature of the matter. Verbal resolution of disputes gives the advantage of finding a solution immediately. Even if the issue is resolved without a written statement, it is recorded and archived. If the graduate student is not satisfied with the verbal communication, he has the right to make a formal complaint.
Step2: Subcase B. Written formulation
If the graduate student wishes to put his complaint in writing, he can register it using the appropriate form.
The complaint is categorized according to its nature into:
a. Academic
b. Study Subject
c. Conduct, harassment or discrimination
d. Other
The issue is resolved depending on its nature by the Program Director and the relevant Committee. In the event that the student/s wish to maintain their anonymity, they proceed to formulate the complaint as provided for anonymous and highly confidential wording of complaints through the procedure implemented by the Department/School/Institution, which are described in detail on their websites. In case the problem exceeds their capabilities, the Director of the Program addresses, in accordance with the Internal Regulations of the Department of Medicine, the President or the Deputy President of the Department in accordance with the Internal Regulations of the Department. (PART D INTERNAL REGULATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE-Subjects Ethics).
Complaints concerning purely academic matters, eg student evaluation, are only considered by the competent Committees of the DPMS.
Step 3: Take stock of what happened
At the end of each study cycle and during the debriefing, all previous issues are discussed and preventive measures are taken to avoid similar incidents.
Complaint form
To (………………..)
The Director of the DPMS
Inbox number (to be filled in by the Secretariat)
Student details
Full name……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Contact Phone……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Semester of studies……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Description of protest (please describe the subject of your complaint thoroughly, the consequences arising to your detriment, as well as the desired solution)
- Academic
- Study Subject
- Harassing or discriminatory conduct
- Other
I wish to file a matter concerning …………………….issue.
I declare that I expressly and unconditionally consent to the processing of my personal data for the purpose of managing my complaint.
YES/NO (circle)
Additional documents on the matter are attached.
YES/NO (circle)
The applicant,