Αρναούτογλου Xριστίνα

Christina Arnautoglou


Orthopedic Surgeon

Curator of the Orthopedic Clinic

Larissa University Hospital

Email: carnaou@hotmail.com

BIRTH: Athens, Greece, September 1967

Greek nationality

MARITAL STATUS: Divorced, mother of a 12-year-old girl

EDUCATION : October 1987 – September 1993, Medical School of the University of Ioannina


  • June 1994 – June 1995: Rural Doctor in Field Service (1 year) at P.I. Eastern Ioannina.
  • July 1995 – July 1996: Specialization in General Surgery (12 months) at the Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital of Ioannina.
  • August 1996 – February 1997: Specialization as a supernumerary physician at the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Ioannina (7 months)
  • March 1997 – August 2001: Specialization in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Ioannina (4.5 years).
  • September 2001- March 2002: Completion of specialization in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at CenterdeTraumatologieetd' Orthopit isdie, Strasbourg, France, through educational leave (6 months).

SPECIALTY: Orthopedic Surgeon


  • June 2002 – September 2002: Curator in the Department of Adult Rehabilitative Orthopedics and Trauma in large Private hospital Athena's (4 months)
  • November 2002 – October 2003: Salaried position in the Orthopedic Trauma department atCenterdeTraumatologieetd' Orthopedics, Strasbourg, France (1 year).
  • January 2004 – September 2004: Unpaid Research Associate at the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Ioannina (9 months). Dealing with Adult Reconstructive Surgery and Traumatology (with an emphasis on the technique of endomedullary), with the educational activity of the Clinic and at the Biological Engineering Laboratory of the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Ioannina with the preparation of research protocols.
  • September 2004- May 2016: Curator B' ESY at the University Orthopedic Clinic of the University Hospital of Ioannina and subsequently since 2012  Curator AYOU (12 years or so) .
  • July 2016 – November 2016: Scientific Scholar of Orthopedics at the University of Ioannina.

present position

May 2017: Curator B ESY and since December 2017 Curator A ESY Orthopedic Clinic of Larissa University Hospital

After receiving the specialty I have participated in multiple educational seminars


  • I have actively participated in the organization of 16 seminars.
  • As President of the Department of Intramedullary Hemorrhages of the E.E.H.O.T I organized the Annual Symposium of the Department of Intramedullary Hernias with Practice on January 29-31, 2016 in Ioannina
  • I have participated as a member of the Organizing Committee in 9 Greek conferences and 1 international conference.


  • 1996-2001: TEACHER in student exercises of 4u year and participation in the development of Orthopedic topics during the weekly activities of the University Orthopedic Clinic of Ioannina.
  • 1999-2000: TEACHER in Clinical Practice Aanesthesiology- Ei was in a hurryImedical of the 5th year students of the Medical School of the University of Ioannina
  • 2003-2004 and 2011-2012 :Participation with lectures in the postgraduate course Orthopedics in the Nursing Specialties of the University Hospital of Ioannina, where I also wrote notes that were used in the Nurses' written exams.
  • 2005–2008: Participation with lectures at Pain Post-Training Seminar which is organized by the Medical Psychology Laboratory of the University of Ioannina with the general department of Basic Medical Courses of T.E.I. Athens.
  • 2004-2009¨. Instructor in the Hip-Knee and Biomechanics Seminars with surgeries organized by the 2nd Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Ioannina
  • Participate as a supervisor in 9 training seminars on microsurgery, arthroscopy and endomedullary.
  • Instructor in 30 training seminars.


 In December 2002, I presented my doctoral thesis at the Medical School of the University of Ioannina, on “Maximum intraoperative lengthening of a rat peripheral nerve with a tissue expander. Functional, electrophysiological and histological study'. It was accepted with judgment and grade "EXCELLENT" and I was sworn in as a doctor of the University of Ioannina in November 2003.

Chapters in scientific books: 5

I have written 5 chapters in Greek scientific books in relation to the osteosynthesis of fractures, intramedullary sclerosis, osteotomy in dysplastic hip and disorders in children

Announcements at Greek Conferences: 30

Announcements at International Conferences: 6

 Scientific exhibits at Greek Conferences: 10

Escientific exhibits at International Conferences: 2

 Published summaries in Greek Journals:9

Abstracts published in International Journals: 5

 Publications in Greek Magazines: 3

Publications in International Journals: 17

 Total IF: 22,351(*According to ISI Journal Citation reports 2014)

Scopus Citation Index: 123


  1. P. Kostas, Z. Dailianna, T. Xenakis, AE Beris, P. Kitsoulis, CM. Arnaoutoglou, PN Soucacos. Begin tumors and tumor-like lesions of the thoracolumbar spine mimicking back pain. The American Journal of Orthopedics 2001, Resident Writer's Award (2n.dplace)

Guest speaker at EGreek Conferences: 27

Chairman or Round Table Member: 10

Member of the Organizing Committee: 30

Member of the Scientific Committee: 8

Participation in research programs and protocols: 3


  1. Hellenic Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (H.E.H.O.T.)
  2. Department of Intramedullary Hernias, Hellenic Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. (General Secretary from 2006-2008 and Chairman in 2015-2017)
  3. OsteosynthesisandTraumaCareHellas (OTC)andChairman from November 2018 until today
Designation: Teacher